Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Brazilian innocence...

Brazilian innocence..., originally uploaded by carf.

Photo by Gregory J. Smith - São Paulo, BRAZIL.

Underprivileged but happy children like Tamiris may soon be able to enrichen their lives by participating at our preliminary community prevention centre in their very own community, the Sítio Joaninha. It is the childhood innocence of kids like Tamaris that drives us hard enough to believe in what we do and why we do it. For her reason and for the reason of many others like her, we are preparing our new community centre in an existing building until we receive planning permission for the actual centre that we aim to set-up in her abandoned community.

You see, children like Tamiris don’t have time to wait until corrupt politicians put their minds to where their public funding is and start doing something to benefit the needy populations of this country instead of enrichening their own lives. Brazil is by far a poor country, but who will change the reality of the likes of Tamiris and millions of other angels like her if we don’t? As long as our society continues to accept impunity as if it was just another of those ridiculous Soap Operas blindly fleeting past on our TV-screens, the needs of children like her will continue to be neglected..........

Our actions can’t wait either, so we aim to tend to Tamiris’ needs and better the lives of many other children like her, whilst they are still children. Growing-up in preparation for the adult World is never really so very far off for young girls like Tamaris, considering that each year more than 32.000 of them get pregnant before the age of 14 in this country.

With the help of those who are conscious enough to support what we are doing and with the help of those young community youth we are preparing for work in our new community centres, such as the one Tamiris may be lucky enough to experience; her beautiful Jabuticaba eyes might just see new horizons.

Please join us by following the Blog of our Youth Capacity Building Programme, ASAS do Beija-Flor or WINGS of Hummingbird. If you feel you can share something, then leave a comment or just take the liberty to make an online donation whilst you’re there. We need all the support we can get as do all the innocent Angels like Tamiris, my Brazilian reason for doing what I do.............